Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Don't Ask...

Last week I lead a Bible study with the Campus Crusade group I am a part of here on campus at Grand View. The study focused on not being a "Lukewarm Christian." I brought up these convicting statements...

Don't ask: "How far can I go before it's considered a sin?"
Ask: "How can I keep myself pure as a temple of the Holy Spirit?"

Don't ask: "How much do I have to give?"
Ask: "How much can I give?"

Don't ask: "How much time should I spend praying and reading my Bible?"
Ask: "Why do I have to go to work? I wish I could sit here and read longer!"

Don't ask: "Do I have to tell them I'm a Christian?"
State: "I'm not ashamed of what I believe in--I'm a follower of Christ. I am a Christian."

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